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Celebrating childhood,

preparing for the future

Give Online

Matching Gifts

Matching gifts can increase your donation at no additional cost to you. Donors receive credit for both the original gift and the amount of the match. Please contact your employer to see if they have a program or the Long Ridge’s Advancement Office.


Please send matching gift forms and direct questions to:



(203) 322-7693
The Long Ridge School
478 Erskine Road
Stamford, CT 06903

Giving Levels


Great Horned Owl $10,000+
Great Gray Owl $5,000–$9,999
Snowy Owl $2,500–$4,999
Hawk Owl $1,000–$2,499
Screech Owl $500–$999
Tawny Owl $250–$499
Barn Owl $100–$249
Spotted Owl $1–$99
Elf Owl Fundraiser

Thank you for considering donating to The Long Ridge School. Online donations can be made via PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, or by using the secure form below.


For PayPal Donations

Please add “Annual Fund Donation” into the “Add a note” section.


For Venmo Donations

Please add “Annual Fund Donation” into the “What’s it for” section.


For Zelle Donations

Please add “Annual Fund Donation” into the “Add message” section.


All donors and gifts are recognized in The Owl, the school’s Magazine and Annual Report.


If you wish your gift to remain anonymous, please check the “Anonymous” box on the online giving form or add it into your note on your PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle transaction.


The Long Ridge School
The Long Ridge School @LongRidgeSchool
The Long Ridge School, Inc,